Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 27: We will Gather at Grace Cathedral

Dear Sophia in Trinity Community--Instead of meeting for Eucharist, we will gather as a community at 10:45am at the labyrinth core in Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. At 11am we will celebrate Bishop Romero's life with many other inter-faith sisters and brothers. Come to the Celebration Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador. Following the reception there will be a 2:00pm Immigration Forum.

March 13: Sherri Maurin to Lead our Homily

Following our Eucharist, we will also hear from Sherri about her recent trip to Palestine/Israel and Egypt.

February 13 And February 27, 2010

The time since Roy Bourgeois was with us has flown by! February 13 we celebrated a Valentine Eucharist and celebrated all of the good heart work that Judy Liteky, Susan Powers and Michael Bush did in organizing Roy's visit to the Bay Area. Our great thanks as a community to each of you and all the volunteers for creating an inspiring event that featured Roy, Anna Lange-Soto [Episcopal priest] and myself/Victoria. A very special thanks to Judy for coordinating all of the Northern California speaking engagements for Roy. What magnificent work! Thank you!

Our Eucharist on February 27 opened our season of Lent together. We are following a theme: Listening, Deep. We looked at the landless movement in Brazil and discussed what a birthrite might be: a place to live, food, shelter, education. We understood that hope drives one's birthrite. And hope emerges from discontent. Perhaps many of us share a Sacred Discontent--for the Holy One has given us a spiritual birthrite: the land of ourselves to plant and to grow.
We asked ourselves what are our discontents and our hopes for ourselves, our church and our world.