Wednesday, December 14, 2011
December 10, 2011 Subversive Alliances
Winter. The embrace of darkness and light.
Roses in winter.....
We gathered on Saturday, Dec. 10. And we celebrated the Magnificat!
Why not! We will not gather again until Saturday January 14!
So this was both our Advent and Christmas!
My being glorifies the Holy
and my spirit rejoices in God my savior.......
.....The Holy One throws the powerful off their thrones....
.....God elevates the humble and fills the hungry with good things....
In this reading from Luke, the Magnificat, speaks about the Transformative and Subversive Alliances among such wonderful pairs as Maryam and Elizabeth, Our Lady of Guadalupe/Tonantzin and Juan Diego and Immigrantes into the U.S. and their families in Mexico. We heard how one mother asked her son who would attempt to cross the US border from Mexico to make two promises: hike the mountains daily near their village to get in shape and secondly, memorize the Magnificat and recite it over and over throughout his journey. This prayer of risk taking and subversive alliances was our inspiration as we gathered for Eucharist.
What you see here are pictures, close ups, of faces amongst Sophia in Trinity. Catch in these faces the spirit of our community--a community of celebrants! Catch in these faces the Spirit that leads us forward.....
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sept. 10, 2011 An Understanding of Forgiveness & a Celebration of Ernest!
what forgiveness means to each us, the struggle for it, the need for it, the peace that occurs
when forgiveness is found. It was fitting then that two young people among us, Nina and
Caitlin, both of whom hardly remember 9/11, offered the prayers of blessing for our bread
and wine.
We also celebrated that one year ago, Sept. 10, 2010, Ernest Camisa began his transparent translations of the lectionary year. We honor his commitment, his knowledge and his
passion for opening up the Bible readings and making them new in our ears and hearts through his transparent translations!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
July 23, 2011: The Feast of Mary Magdalene at Sophia in Trinity
we anointed each other, we saw the future of women in the Catholic Church in the faces of young women, and we signed a ribbon that will represent us at the national retreat of Roman Catholic Womenpriests.
A blessed day of community!!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
July 9, 2011 The Sower & Seeds, AKA The Roman Missal Crisis
The Holy One is sowing grace and wisdom everywhere among us--it is taking root in our communities and will flower and will eventually feed many. Our problem is we cannot see it right now. But seeds are surely coming to the surface, even cracking through cement.
These are not Monsanto seeds God is sowing: " the word will not come back to me empty" Isaiah says. The promise of each seed--is life.
I was talking to a disheartened Catholic woman the other day:
She had stood up in a meeting of 100 liturgy leaders from parish communities in the Monterey diocese. She said ………
So much energy, time and resources have been spent on these changes in the Eucharist liturgy with the missal. What if we were to expend all this energy, time and resources to help to meet the needs of people suffering all around us?
She was amazed when everyone broke into applause.
Next day the deacon in her parish said to her:
Maybe this is the time when finally it will be apparent that the emperor has no clothes. People are upset. Complying or leaving are just ways of letting the naked hierarchy win. A lot of people are just not going to put up with it.
The seed of life in this story--is seeking the real life of the church. The Magisterium is not fertile soil. You all know that when the seed hits, and you hear the word of God--you know the Word of Life when it opens you up and helps you to be real and compassionate.
The new liturgy is like Monsanto seed. It's dead. It's not the word of God. The people, the liturgists are all saying--- we want what gives us life, the real seeds. We know the Sower. And these are not the seeds of the Sower.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
June 23: Break-Fast and Eucharist
What a joyous break-fast and Eucharist! We all welcomed Olivia Doko, the bishop of the western region of Roman Catholic Womenpriests [RCWP]. Olivia shared that she was elected bishop by the women priests,deacons and candidates of the western region. She is a pastor to the priests/deacons/candidates [not administrator, and not modeled on the RCC model of bishop as a kind of "ceo"]. She is in discernment with the various communities served by women priests as to what her relationship might be to those communities. "This is all a work in progress" she said. We also welcomed several guests from the East Bay community that has formed, Namaste Catholic Community.
Victoria started the break-fast noting that it was SF Gay Pride Weekend and so we might ask the question--how have each of us been called "out" ? Some spoke of how they came out as LGBT persons, others spoke of how they came out as Jesus followers. And then Victoria "outed" Maria Eitz who was announced as a candidate for priesthood in RCWP! There were shouts of joy and sustained applause for Maria! What a wonderful gift to our community she is and will be! All covenanted with her to support her through the process.
The Eucharist is always a surprise in how it unfolds from the break-fast, is revealed, erupts! [and it does at 10:30am]. We spoke of the mystery of the Eucharist, and how it is revealed in every cell of the universe, that it is an intimacy with the Christ in which we realize we are flowing from God as the body of God.
JUST SO IT'S CLEAR.....We are experimenting! And so we have this break-fast/Eucharist on the 4th Saturday of each month. The break-fast starts at 9:30am, Eucharist 10:30. And our regular Eucharistic Celebration occurs on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:30am.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
April 23: Holy Saturday at Sophia in Trinity
As a community we decided to gather for breakfast on Holy Saturday morning at our usual time of 10:30am in order to reflect together about what this day means for each of us. In the exact place where the cross had been for Good Friday services the previous day, we created a long table with purple tablecloths and vases of beautiful irises. This poem, by Kim Rosen, was brought to us by Linda Hutton and shared during the breakfast, along side the gospel that speaks of how Jesus' body was placed in the cave.
But its the cave I want to know.
Not how He left, rose, became a something
again. But what happens in the cave.
Not blood, not body, not wine stamped with the memory
of blood, but the space between breath
and breath where we are nowhere
to be found.
Someone weeps outside.
Someone tugs at the boulder.
Someone clings to a torn lock of His hair.
And inside, in the still, lightless air
the turning back
into everything.
At a certain point in our reflections, remembering that in the Holy Saturday Vigil the Church-gathered baptizes people into the Catholic community, Victoria asked all of us to recommit to the path of Christ before we meet the Christ on the path to Emmaus.
In that same spirit, Barbara and Kevin, were invited to stand and lite their wedding candle because theywished to renew their wedding vows to each other, in the presence of their daughter Monica and the community. Victoria offered: "Just as we support those approaching the waters of rebirth tonight across the world in the Easter Vigil Liturgy, so too do we ask all of you to witness to Barbara and Kevin's renewal of commitment and offer them our support and joy." Afterward, Victoria offered a blessing as the community surrounded Barb and Kevin, laid their hands upon them and offered blessings as well. And then of course we sang our blessings to one another!
What a beautiful Holy Saturday!
April 9: A New Ministry Begins!
On Sunday, March 6, Victoria was invited to offer a sermon at the Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco. This historic congregation has been in existence as an LGBTQ
congregation for 40 years! Here is an audio link to the sermon: "Prophets of a New Christianity"
Rev. William Knight, being the good pastor that he is, said that there were a number of former Catholics in MCC who desired something more from their worship. He then invited Victoria to begin a monthly Eucharist at MCC-SF, 150 Eureka St., San Francisco. The first one was April 9--and will continue on the second Saturday of each month at 4:00pm.